Struct gstreamer_check::harness::Harness[][src]

pub struct Harness(_);

crate::Harness is meant to make writing unit test for GStreamer much easier. It can be thought of as a way of treating a crate::gst::Element as a black box, deterministically feeding it data, and controlling what data it outputs.

The basic structure of crate::Harness is two “floating” GstPads that connect to the harnessed crate::gst::Element src and sink GstPads like so:

  #include <gst/gst.h>
  #include <gst/check/gstharness.h>
  GstHarness *h;
  GstBuffer *in_buf;
  GstBuffer *out_buf;

  // attach the harness to the src and sink pad of GstQueue
  h = gst_harness_new ("queue");

  // we must specify a caps before pushing buffers
  gst_harness_set_src_caps_str (h, "mycaps");

  // create a buffer of size 42
  in_buf = gst_harness_create_buffer (h, 42);

  // push the buffer into the queue
  gst_harness_push (h, in_buf);

  // pull the buffer from the queue
  out_buf = gst_harness_pull (h);

  // validate the buffer in is the same as buffer out
  fail_unless (in_buf == out_buf);

  // cleanup
  gst_buffer_unref (out_buf);
  gst_harness_teardown (h);


Another main feature of the #GstHarness is its integration with the
#GstTestClock. Operating the #GstTestClock can be very challenging, but
#GstHarness simplifies some of the most desired actions a lot, like wanting
to manually advance the clock while at the same time releasing a #GstClockID
that is waiting, with functions like gst_harness_crank_single_clock_wait().

#GstHarness also supports sub-harnesses, as a way of generating and
validating data. A sub-harness is another #GstHarness that is managed by
the "parent" harness, and can either be created by using the standard
gst_harness_new type functions directly on the (GstHarness *)->src_harness,
or using the much more convenient gst_harness_add_src() or
gst_harness_add_sink_parse(). If you have a decoder-element you want to test,
(like vp8dec) it can be very useful to add a src-harness with both a
src-element (videotestsrc) and an encoder (vp8enc) to feed the decoder data
with different configurations, by simply doing:

|[<!-- language="C" -->
  GstHarness * h = gst_harness_new (h, "vp8dec");
  gst_harness_add_src_parse (h, "videotestsrc is-live=1 ! vp8enc", TRUE);

and then feeding it data with:

gst_harness_push_from_src (h);


impl Harness[src]

pub fn add_element_full<P: IsA<Element>>(
    &mut self,
    element: &P,
    hsrc: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>,
    element_sinkpad_name: Option<&str>,
    hsink: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>,
    element_srcpad_name: Option<&str>

Adds a crate::gst::Element to an empty crate::Harness

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Element to add to the harness (transfer none)


a crate::gst::StaticPadTemplate describing the harness srcpad. None will not create a harness srcpad.


a gchar with the name of the element sinkpad that is then linked to the harness srcpad. Can be a static or request or a sometimes pad that has been added. None will not get/request a sinkpad from the element. (Like if the element is a src.)


a crate::gst::StaticPadTemplate describing the harness sinkpad. None will not create a harness sinkpad.


a gchar with the name of the element srcpad that is then linked to the harness sinkpad, similar to the element_sinkpad_name.

pub fn add_element_sink_pad<P: IsA<Pad>>(&mut self, sinkpad: &P)[src]

Links the specified crate::gst::Pad the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) srcpad.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Pad to link to the harness srcpad

pub fn add_element_src_pad<P: IsA<Pad>>(&mut self, srcpad: &P)[src]

Links the specified crate::gst::Pad the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) sinkpad. This can be useful if perhaps the srcpad did not exist at the time of creating the harness, like a demuxer that provides a sometimes-pad after receiving data.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Pad to link to the harness sinkpad

pub fn add_parse(&mut self, launchline: &str)[src]

Parses the launchline and puts that in a crate::gst::Bin, and then attches the supplied crate::Harness to the bin.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a gst-launch type line

pub fn add_probe<F>(
    &mut self,
    element_name: &str,
    pad_name: &str,
    mask: PadProbeType,
    func: F
) where
    F: Fn(&Pad, &mut PadProbeInfo<'_>) -> PadProbeReturn + Send + Sync + 'static, 

A convenience function to allows you to call gst_pad_add_probe on a crate::gst::Pad of a crate::gst::Element that are residing inside the crate::Harness, by using normal gst_pad_add_probe syntax

MT safe.


a gchar with a crate::gst::ElementFactory name


a gchar with the name of the pad to attach the probe to


a crate::gst::PadProbeType (see gst_pad_add_probe)


a GstPadProbeCallback (see gst_pad_add_probe)


a gpointer (see gst_pad_add_probe)


a GDestroyNotify (see gst_pad_add_probe)

pub fn add_propose_allocation_meta(
    &mut self,
    api: Type,
    params: Option<&StructureRef>

This is supported on crate feature v1_16 only.

Add api with params as one of the supported metadata API to propose when receiving an allocation query.

MT safe.


a metadata API


API specific parameters

pub fn add_sink(&mut self, sink_element_name: &str)[src]

Similar to gst_harness_add_sink_harness, this is a convenience to directly create a sink-harness using the sink_element_name name specified.

MT safe.


a gchar with the name of a crate::gst::Element

pub fn add_sink_harness(&mut self, sink_harness: Harness)[src]

Similar to gst_harness_add_src, this allows you to send the data coming out of your harnessed crate::gst::Element to a sink-element, allowing to test different responses the element output might create in sink elements. An example might be an existing sink providing some analytical data on the input it receives that can be useful to your testing. If the goal is to test a sink-element itself, this is better achieved using gst_harness_new directly on the sink.

If a sink-harness already exists it will be replaced.

MT safe.


a crate::Harness to be added as a sink-harness.

pub fn add_sink_parse(&mut self, launchline: &str)[src]

Similar to gst_harness_add_sink, this allows you to specify a launch-line instead of just an element name. See gst_harness_add_src_parse for details.

MT safe.


a gchar with the name of a crate::gst::Element

pub fn add_src(&mut self, src_element_name: &str, has_clock_wait: bool)[src]

Similar to gst_harness_add_src_harness, this is a convenience to directly create a src-harness using the src_element_name name specified.

MT safe.


a gchar with the name of a crate::gst::Element


a gboolean specifying if the crate::gst::Element uses gst_clock_wait_id internally.

pub fn add_src_harness(&mut self, src_harness: Harness, has_clock_wait: bool)[src]

A src-harness is a great way of providing the crate::Harness with data. By adding a src-type crate::gst::Element, it is then easy to use functions like gst_harness_push_from_src or gst_harness_src_crank_and_push_many to provide your harnessed element with input. The has_clock_wait variable is a great way to control you src-element with, in that you can have it produce a buffer for you by simply cranking the clock, and not have it spin out of control producing buffers as fast as possible.

If a src-harness already exists it will be replaced.

MT safe.


a crate::Harness to be added as a src-harness.


a gboolean specifying if the crate::gst::Element uses gst_clock_wait_id internally.

pub fn add_src_parse(&mut self, launchline: &str, has_clock_wait: bool)[src]

Similar to gst_harness_add_src, this allows you to specify a launch-line, which can be useful for both having more then one crate::gst::Element acting as your src (Like a src producing raw buffers, and then an encoder, providing encoded data), but also by allowing you to set properties like “is-live” directly on the elements.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a gst-launch type line


a gboolean specifying if the crate::gst::Element uses gst_clock_wait_id internally.

pub fn buffers_in_queue(&self) -> u32[src]

The number of GstBuffers currently in the crate::Harness sinkpad [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

MT safe.


a guint number of buffers in the queue

pub fn buffers_received(&self) -> u32[src]

The total number of GstBuffers that has arrived on the crate::Harness sinkpad. This number includes buffers that have been dropped as well as buffers that have already been pulled out.

MT safe.


a guint number of buffers received

pub fn crank_multiple_clock_waits(
    &mut self,
    waits: u32
) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Similar to Self::crank_single_clock_wait(), this is the function to use if your harnessed element(s) are using more then one gst_clock_id_wait. Failing to do so can (and will) make it racy which [crate::gst::ClockID] you actually are releasing, where as this function will process all the waits at the same time, ensuring that one thread can’t register another wait before both are released.

MT safe.


a guint describing the number of GstClockIDs to crank


a gboolean true if the “crank” was successful, false if not.

pub fn crank_single_clock_wait(&mut self) -> Result<(), BoolError>[src]

A “crank” consists of three steps: 1: Wait for a [crate::gst::ClockID] to be registered with the crate::TestClock. 2: Advance the crate::TestClock to the time the [crate::gst::ClockID] is waiting for. 3: Release the [crate::gst::ClockID] wait. Together, this provides an easy way to not have to think about the details around clocks and time, but still being able to write deterministic tests that are dependent on this. A “crank” can be though of as the notion of manually driving the clock forward to its next logical step.

MT safe.


a gboolean true if the “crank” was successful, false if not.

pub fn create_buffer(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

Allocates a buffer using a crate::gst::BufferPool if present, or else using the configured crate::gst::Allocator and crate::gst::AllocationParams

MT safe.


a gsize specifying the size of the buffer


a crate::gst::Buffer of size size

pub fn dump_to_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, filename: P)[src]

Allows you to dump the GstBuffers the crate::Harness sinkpad [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] to a file.

MT safe.


a gchar with a the name of a file

pub fn events_in_queue(&self) -> u32[src]

The number of GstEvents currently in the crate::Harness sinkpad [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

MT safe.


a guint number of events in the queue

pub fn events_received(&self) -> u32[src]

The total number of GstEvents that has arrived on the crate::Harness sinkpad This number includes events handled by the harness as well as events that have already been pulled out.

MT safe.


a guint number of events received

pub fn find_element(&mut self, element_name: &str) -> Option<Element>[src]

Most useful in conjunction with gst_harness_new_parse, this will scan the GstElements inside the crate::Harness, and check if any of them matches element_name. Typical usecase being that you need to access one of the harnessed elements for properties and/or signals.

MT safe.


a gchar with a crate::gst::ElementFactory name


a crate::gst::Element or None if not found

pub fn last_pushed_timestamp(&self) -> ClockTime[src]

pub fn testclock(&self) -> Option<TestClock>[src]

pub fn play(&mut self)[src]

This will set the harnessed crate::gst::Element to crate::gst::State::Playing. GstElements without a sink-crate::gst::Pad and with the [crate::gst::ElementFlags::Source] flag set is considered a src crate::gst::Element Non-src GstElements (like sinks and filters) are automatically set to playing by the crate::Harness, but src GstElements are not to avoid them starting to produce buffers. Hence, for src crate::gst::Element you must call Self::play() explicitly.

MT safe.

pub fn pull(&mut self) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

Pulls a crate::gst::Buffer from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness sinkpad. The pull will timeout in 60 seconds. This is the standard way of getting a buffer from a harnessed crate::gst::Element.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Buffer or None if timed out.

pub fn pull_until_eos(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Buffer>, BoolError>[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

Pulls a crate::gst::Buffer from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness sinkpad. The pull will block until an EOS event is received, or timeout in 60 seconds. MT safe.


A crate::gst::Buffer, or None if EOS or timeout occures first.


true on success, false on timeout.

pub fn pull_event(&mut self) -> Result<Event, BoolError>[src]

Pulls an crate::gst::Event from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness sinkpad. Timeouts after 60 seconds similar to gst_harness_pull.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event or None if timed out.

pub fn pull_upstream_event(&mut self) -> Result<Event, BoolError>[src]

Pulls an crate::gst::Event from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness srcpad. Timeouts after 60 seconds similar to gst_harness_pull.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event or None if timed out.

pub fn push(&mut self, buffer: Buffer) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>[src]

Pushes a crate::gst::Buffer on the crate::Harness srcpad. The standard way of interacting with an harnessed element.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Buffer to push


a crate::gst::FlowReturn with the result from the push

pub fn push_and_pull(&mut self, buffer: Buffer) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

Basically a gst_harness_push and a gst_harness_pull in one line. Reflects the fact that you often want to do exactly this in your test: Push one buffer in, and inspect the outcome.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Buffer to push


a crate::gst::Buffer or None if timed out.

pub fn push_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> bool[src]

Pushes an crate::gst::Event on the crate::Harness srcpad.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event to push


a gboolean with the result from the push

pub fn push_from_src(&mut self) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>[src]

Transfer data from the src-crate::Harness to the main-crate::Harness. It consists of 4 steps: 1: Make sure the src is started. (see: gst_harness_play) 2: Crank the clock (see: gst_harness_crank_single_clock_wait) 3: Pull a crate::gst::Buffer from the src-crate::Harness (see: gst_harness_pull) 4: Push the same crate::gst::Buffer into the main-crate::Harness (see: gst_harness_push)

MT safe.


a crate::gst::FlowReturn with the result of the push

pub fn push_to_sink(&mut self) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>[src]

Transfer one crate::gst::Buffer from the main-crate::Harness to the sink-crate::Harness. See gst_harness_push_from_src for details.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::FlowReturn with the result of the push

pub fn push_upstream_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> bool[src]

Pushes an crate::gst::Event on the crate::Harness sinkpad.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event to push


a gboolean with the result from the push

pub fn query_latency(&self) -> ClockTime[src]

Get the min latency reported by any harnessed crate::gst::Element.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::ClockTime with min latency

pub fn set_blocking_push_mode(&mut self)[src]

Setting this will make the harness block in the chain-function, and then release when Self::pull() or Self::try_pull() is called. Can be useful when wanting to control a src-element that is not implementing [crate::gst::Clock::id_wait()] so it can’t be controlled by the crate::TestClock, since it otherwise would produce buffers as fast as possible.

MT safe.

pub fn set_caps(&mut self, in_: Caps, out: Caps)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) srcpad and sinkpad caps.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness srcpad


a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness sinkpad

pub fn set_caps_str(&mut self, in_: &str, out: &str)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) srcpad and sinkpad caps using strings.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness srcpad


a gchar describing a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness sinkpad

pub fn set_drop_buffers(&mut self, drop_buffers: bool)[src]

When set to true, instead of placing the buffers arriving from the harnessed crate::gst::Element inside the sinkpads [crate::glib::AsyncQueue], they are instead unreffed.

MT safe.


a gboolean specifying to drop outgoing buffers or not

pub fn set_forwarding(&mut self, forwarding: bool)[src]

As a convenience, a src-harness will forward crate::gst::EventType::StreamStart, crate::gst::EventType::Caps and crate::gst::EventType::Segment to the main-harness if forwarding is enabled, and forward any sticky-events from the main-harness to the sink-harness. It will also forward the [crate::gst::QueryType::Allocation].

If forwarding is disabled, the user will have to either manually push these events from the src-harness using Self::src_push_event(), or create and push them manually. While this will allow full control and inspection of these events, for the most cases having forwarding enabled will be sufficient when writing a test where the src-harness’ main function is providing data for the main-harness.

Forwarding is enabled by default.

MT safe.


a gboolean to enable/disable forwarding

pub fn set_sink_caps(&mut self, caps: Caps)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) sinkpad caps.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness sinkpad

pub fn set_sink_caps_str(&mut self, str: &str)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) sinkpad caps using a string.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness sinkpad

pub fn set_src_caps(&mut self, caps: Caps)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) srcpad caps. This must be done before any buffers can legally be pushed from the harness to the element.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness srcpad

pub fn set_src_caps_str(&mut self, str: &str)[src]

Sets the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) srcpad caps using a string. This must be done before any buffers can legally be pushed from the harness to the element.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a crate::gst::Caps to set on the harness srcpad

pub fn set_time(&mut self, time: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>[src]

Advance the crate::TestClock to a specific time.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::ClockTime to advance the clock to


a gboolean true if the time could be set. false if not.

pub fn set_upstream_latency(&mut self, latency: ClockTime)[src]

Sets the min latency reported by crate::Harness when receiving a latency-query


a crate::gst::ClockTime specifying the latency

pub fn sink_push_many(&mut self, pushes: u32) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>[src]

Convenience that calls gst_harness_push_to_sink pushes number of times. Will abort the pushing if any one push fails.

MT safe.


a gint with the number of calls to gst_harness_push_to_sink


a crate::gst::FlowReturn with the result of the push

pub fn src_crank_and_push_many(
    &mut self,
    cranks: u32,
    pushes: u32
) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>

Transfer data from the src-crate::Harness to the main-crate::Harness. Similar to gst_harness_push_from_src, this variant allows you to specify how many cranks and how many pushes to perform. This can be useful for both moving a lot of data at the same time, as well as cases when one crank does not equal one buffer to push and v.v.

MT safe.


a gint with the number of calls to gst_harness_crank_single_clock_wait


a gint with the number of calls to gst_harness_push


a crate::gst::FlowReturn with the result of the push

pub fn src_push_event(&mut self) -> bool[src]

Similar to what gst_harness_src_push does with GstBuffers, this transfers a crate::gst::Event from the src-crate::Harness to the main-crate::Harness. Note that some GstEvents are being transferred automagically. Look at sink_forward_pad for details.

MT safe.


a gboolean with the result of the push

pub fn take_all_data_as_buffer(&mut self) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

Pulls all pending data from the harness and returns it as a single buffer.


the data as a buffer. Unref with gst_buffer_unref() when no longer needed.

pub fn take_all_data_as_bytes(&mut self) -> Result<Bytes, BoolError>[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

Pulls all pending data from the harness and returns it as a single crate::glib::Bytes.


a pointer to the data, newly allocated. Free with g_free() when no longer needed.

pub fn try_pull(&mut self) -> Option<Buffer>[src]

Pulls a crate::gst::Buffer from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness sinkpad. Unlike gst_harness_pull this will not wait for any buffers if not any are present, and return None straight away.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Buffer or None if no buffers are present in the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

pub fn try_pull_event(&mut self) -> Option<Event>[src]

Pulls an crate::gst::Event from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness sinkpad. See gst_harness_try_pull for details.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event or None if no buffers are present in the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

pub fn try_pull_upstream_event(&mut self) -> Option<Event>[src]

Pulls an crate::gst::Event from the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue] on the crate::Harness srcpad. See gst_harness_try_pull for details.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Event or None if no buffers are present in the [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

pub fn upstream_events_in_queue(&self) -> u32[src]

The number of GstEvents currently in the crate::Harness srcpad [crate::glib::AsyncQueue]

MT safe.


a guint number of events in the queue

pub fn upstream_events_received(&self) -> u32[src]

The total number of GstEvents that has arrived on the crate::Harness srcpad This number includes events handled by the harness as well as events that have already been pulled out.

MT safe.


a guint number of events received

pub fn use_systemclock(&mut self)[src]

Sets the system crate::gst::Clock on the crate::Harness (XXX: @-reference does not belong to Harness!) crate::gst::Element

MT safe.

pub fn use_testclock(&mut self)[src]

pub fn wait_for_clock_id_waits(
    &mut self,
    waits: u32,
    timeout: u32
) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Waits for timeout seconds until waits number of [crate::gst::ClockID] waits is registered with the crate::TestClock. Useful for writing deterministic tests, where you want to make sure that an expected number of waits have been reached.

MT safe.


a guint describing the numbers of [crate::gst::ClockID] registered with the crate::TestClock


a guint describing how many seconds to wait for waits to be true


a gboolean true if the waits have been registered, false if not. (Could be that it timed out waiting or that more waits than waits was found)

pub fn new(element_name: &str) -> Harness[src]

Creates a new harness. Works like [Self::new_with_padnames()], except it assumes the crate::gst::Element sinkpad is named “sink” and srcpad is named “src”

MT safe.


a gchar describing the crate::gst::Element name


a crate::Harness, or None if the harness could not be created

pub fn new_empty() -> Harness[src]

Creates a new empty harness. Use Self::add_element_full() to add an crate::gst::Element to it.

MT safe.


a crate::Harness, or None if the harness could not be created

pub fn new_full<P: IsA<Element>>(
    element: &P,
    hsrc: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>,
    element_sinkpad_name: Option<&str>,
    hsink: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>,
    element_srcpad_name: Option<&str>
) -> Harness

Creates a new harness.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::Element to attach the harness to (transfer none)


a crate::gst::StaticPadTemplate describing the harness srcpad. None will not create a harness srcpad.


a gchar with the name of the element sinkpad that is then linked to the harness srcpad. Can be a static or request or a sometimes pad that has been added. None will not get/request a sinkpad from the element. (Like if the element is a src.)


a crate::gst::StaticPadTemplate describing the harness sinkpad. None will not create a harness sinkpad.


a gchar with the name of the element srcpad that is then linked to the harness sinkpad, similar to the element_sinkpad_name.


a crate::Harness, or None if the harness could not be created

pub fn new_parse(launchline: &str) -> Harness[src]

Creates a new harness, parsing the launchline and putting that in a crate::gst::Bin, and then attches the harness to the bin.

MT safe.


a gchar describing a gst-launch type line


a crate::Harness, or None if the harness could not be created

pub fn with_element<P: IsA<Element>>(
    element: &P,
    element_sinkpad_name: Option<&str>,
    element_srcpad_name: Option<&str>
) -> Harness

pub fn with_padnames(
    element_name: &str,
    element_sinkpad_name: Option<&str>,
    element_srcpad_name: Option<&str>
) -> Harness

pub fn with_templates(
    element_name: &str,
    hsrc: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>,
    hsink: Option<&StaticPadTemplate>
) -> Harness

pub fn element(&self) -> Option<Element>[src]

pub fn sinkpad(&self) -> Option<Pad>[src]

pub fn srcpad(&self) -> Option<Pad>[src]

pub fn sink_harness(&self) -> Option<Ref<'_>>[src]

pub fn src_harness(&self) -> Option<Ref<'_>>[src]

pub fn sink_harness_mut(&mut self) -> Option<RefMut<'_>>[src]

pub fn src_harness_mut(&mut self) -> Option<RefMut<'_>>[src]

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Harness[src]

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result[src]

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Drop for Harness[src]

fn drop(&mut self)[src]

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

impl Send for Harness[src]

impl Sync for Harness[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Harness

impl Unpin for Harness

impl UnwindSafe for Harness

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow(&self) -> &T[src]

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

pub fn from(t: T) -> T[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

pub fn into(self) -> U[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.