Trait gstreamer_video::prelude::VideoEncoderExt[][src]

pub trait VideoEncoderExt: 'static {
Show methods fn allocate_output_buffer(&self, size: usize) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>;
fn max_encode_time(&self, frame: &VideoCodecFrame<'_>) -> ClockTimeDiff;
fn min_force_key_unit_interval(&self) -> ClockTime;
fn is_qos_enabled(&self) -> bool;
fn merge_tags(&self, tags: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode);
fn proxy_getcaps(&self, caps: Option<&Caps>, filter: Option<&Caps>) -> Caps;
fn set_headers(&self, headers: &[&Buffer]);
fn set_min_force_key_unit_interval(&self, interval: ClockTime);
fn set_min_pts(&self, min_pts: ClockTime);
fn set_qos_enabled(&self, enabled: bool);
fn is_qos(&self) -> bool;
fn set_qos(&self, qos: bool);
fn connect_min_force_key_unit_interval_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;
fn connect_qos_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

Trait containing all VideoEncoder methods.



Required methods

fn allocate_output_buffer(&self, size: usize) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded video frame for self’s current crate::VideoCodecState.


size of the buffer


allocated buffer

fn max_encode_time(&self, frame: &VideoCodecFrame<'_>) -> ClockTimeDiff[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

Determines maximum possible encoding time for frame that will allow it to encode and arrive in time (as determined by QoS events). In particular, a negative result means encoding in time is no longer possible and should therefore occur as soon/skippy as possible.

If no QoS events have been received from downstream, or if [crate::VideoEncoder:qos] is disabled this function returns G_MAXINT64.


a crate::VideoCodecFrame


max decoding time.

fn min_force_key_unit_interval(&self) -> ClockTime[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

Returns the minimum force-keyunit interval, see Self::set_min_force_key_unit_interval() for more details.


the minimum force-keyunit interval

fn is_qos_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

Checks if self is currently configured to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream.


true if the encoder is configured to perform Quality-of-Service.

fn merge_tags(&self, tags: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode)[src]

Sets the video encoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags. This will override any tags previously-set with Self::merge_tags().

Note that this is provided for convenience, and the subclass is not required to use this and can still do tag handling on its own.

MT safe.


a crate::gst::TagList to merge, or NULL to unset previously-set tags


the crate::gst::TagMergeMode to use, usually crate::gst::TagMergeMode::Replace

fn proxy_getcaps(&self, caps: Option<&Caps>, filter: Option<&Caps>) -> Caps[src]

Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to resolution/format/… combinations supported by downstream elements (e.g. muxers).


initial caps


filter caps


a crate::gst::Caps owned by caller

fn set_headers(&self, headers: &[&Buffer])[src]

Set the codec headers to be sent downstream whenever requested.


a list of crate::gst::Buffer containing the codec header

fn set_min_force_key_unit_interval(&self, interval: ClockTime)[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

Sets the minimum interval for requesting keyframes based on force-keyunit events. Setting this to 0 will allow to handle every event, setting this to GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE causes force-keyunit events to be ignored.


minimum interval

fn set_min_pts(&self, min_pts: ClockTime)[src]

Request minimal value for PTS passed to handle_frame.

For streams with reordered frames this can be used to ensure that there is enough time to accommodate first DTS, which may be less than first PTS


minimal PTS that will be passed to handle_frame

fn set_qos_enabled(&self, enabled: bool)[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

Configures self to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream.


the new qos value.

fn is_qos(&self) -> bool[src]

fn set_qos(&self, qos: bool)[src]

fn connect_min_force_key_unit_interval_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

fn connect_qos_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

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impl<O: IsA<VideoEncoder>> VideoEncoderExt for O[src]

fn allocate_output_buffer(&self, size: usize) -> Result<Buffer, BoolError>[src]

fn max_encode_time(&self, frame: &VideoCodecFrame<'_>) -> ClockTimeDiff[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

fn min_force_key_unit_interval(&self) -> ClockTime[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

fn is_qos_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

fn merge_tags(&self, tags: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode)[src]

fn proxy_getcaps(&self, caps: Option<&Caps>, filter: Option<&Caps>) -> Caps[src]

fn set_headers(&self, headers: &[&Buffer])[src]

fn set_min_force_key_unit_interval(&self, interval: ClockTime)[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

fn set_min_pts(&self, min_pts: ClockTime)[src]

fn set_qos_enabled(&self, enabled: bool)[src]

This is supported on crate feature v1_14 only.

fn is_qos(&self) -> bool[src]

fn set_qos(&self, qos: bool)[src]

fn connect_min_force_key_unit_interval_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

This is supported on crate feature v1_18 only.

fn connect_qos_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

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